BFC Local Plan


Shaping how Bracknell Forest will look until 2036

Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) has started the process of producing a new Local Plan which will plan for how Bracknell Forest will look 20 years from now.

Visit Bracknell Forest Council’s website to see all the detail.

In late 2016 and as part of the above process, the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) was published, Version 2 of this document was released August 2017.  There are 34 Winkfield sites in the SHELAA. The purpose of the SHELAA is to:

  • Identify sites and clusters of sites for assessment;
  • Assess their development potential; and
  • Assess the suitability for development and the likelihood and timing of development coming forward (ie availability, achievability and deliverability).

The SHELAA does not itself, determine whether a site/broad location (cluster) should be allocated for development. This will be done through the Site Allocations Local Plan (SALP) process to identify which sites are the most appropriate to meet development needs. This includes additional criteria such as ecology, flood zones, access to services, etc.

BFC are currently assessing all the sites for sustainability and a further report will be published in the summer.

Bracknell Forest Council