19 Apr Consultation on the Winkfield Neighbourhood Development Plan ends 29 April. Don’t miss the opportunity to have your say.
Every opinion really is vital.
The Plan and supporting documents are found online at www.winkfieldnp.org/pre-submission
The Pre-Submission Plan 6-week public consultation period is a legal requirement before the NDP can be submitted to the local authority.
There will be another consultation at Bracknell Forest Borough submission stage, expected this Summer.
Neighbourhood Development Plans take many years to develop and become effective. The Winkfield Parish area has already been polled in 2016 for its views.
The NDP is unable to take effect until the majority of local people agree to it at a referendum or voting stage, which is expected December 2022 or early 2023.
For questions about this press release contact:
Liza Challis, Winkfield Parish Council 01344 885110
Melanie Trapnell, Steering Group Co-Chair 07765 029201
Visit www.winkfieldnp.org
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